
Showing posts from December, 2023

How Can MFDs Stop Client Redemptions With Mutual Fund Software?

Indians are savers by nature and don't agree to investments easily. Mutual Fund Distributors  (MFDs) invest a great amount of energy, time, and effort in acquiring client investments. However, a significant challenge arises when clients opt to redeem their investments. The Link Between Redemptions and Slow Business Growth Clients often redeem their investments for different reasons, whether it's sudden personal needs or worries about market ups and downs. But these redemptions hit Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) hard. The impact is widespread. When clients pull out their investments, it shrinks the AUM managed by MFDs, affecting their stability and business growth. With less money to handle, MFDs earn less, affecting their trail income and overall revenue. It's like having fewer resources to run and grow their business. This drop in funds doesn't just affect the MFD's pockets; it also impacts their reputation. Potential investors might think twice before trusting an

5 Features in Mutual Fund Software for MFDs to Keep Up with Changing Times

The world is constantly evolving. We've come a long way from bicycles to cars, keypad phones to smartphones and currency notes to UPI. When everyone swears by technology and does everything at their fingertips today, why are you still doing everything manually, mutual fund distributor? Manual Processes and Time Constraints As mutual fund distributors, you often find yourself stuck in time-consuming tasks such as manual paperwork and onboarding, client commitments, managing client reports, and so much more, leaving little to no room for revenue-generating activities. Technology automates your manual tasks and saves you time, so you can focus on business expansion. Key Features To Improve Your Business With Changing Time You probably use technology to automate your business, like M utual F und S oftware I n India , which reduces more than half of your manual load, and it's a step in the right direction, but just accessing technology isn't enough MFDs. You need to keep changin

How does the Right Mutual Fund Software for Distributors Improve Productivity by 30%?

  Introduction As   a   M utual   F und   D istributor ,   your   top   priority   is   growing   your business/AUM   through   increased   sales. However,   without   the   right   tools   and technology,   managing   client   relationships   and   fund   transactions can   become   tedious and   time-consuming. The   right   M utual   F und   S oftware   can   streamline   your   processes   and   boost   productivity   significantly.   Let’s   see   how.   Streamline   Operations ·  Automating   Manual   Processes:   Mutual   fund   software   eliminates   the   need   for manual data entry, decreasing the time and effort required to manage   back-office   work. ·  Efficient   Client   Onboarding:   It   automates   client   onboarding,   transaction   processing, and reporting, allowing distributors to serve more clients   efficiently. ·  Integrated Features: Portfolio tracking software offers features such as   instant digital onboarding, a comprehensive portfolio dashboard, and